Super Bowl Commercial Bingo Printable

Posted By admin On 21/03/22
Super Bowl Commercial Bingo Printable 3,5/5 4109 reviews
  1. Super Bowl Commercial Bingo 2021 Free Printable
  2. Super Bowl Commercial Bingo Printable
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Super Bowl Commercial Bingo 2021 Free Printable


Funny Printable Quarantine Cards for Social Distancing. April 6, 2020 by Cori George 6 Comments. This post and the photos within it may contain Amazon or other affiliate links. Select 24 of them ahead of time and place them around the bingo sheet in any order or arrangement. Super Bowl Bingo is a fun way to get everybody involved while watching the big game. To play, simply print out our free bingo cards and hand them out before the game. To play, simply print out our free bingo cards and hand them out before the game. All Photos by Studio DIY. Click here to download the free printable Super Bowl bingo cards! You can print these fun “Rate the Super Bowl Commercials” cards too! And if you’re feeling fancy, you should probably glitter some foam fingers too. (Saying “foam fingers” this year has a whole different meaning than last year, thanks Miley Cyrus.

It’s time once again for PorchDrinking’s 2020 Super Bowl Bingo Cards for Super Bowl 54. In addition to the entertainment of seeing who can inhale the most combinations of cheese dips in one sitting, we’ve created bingo boards for your party-goers’ enjoyment. Each square should be crossed off as they occur. And sure, since this is PorchDrinking, take a drink each time you cross off a square.

Here’s to an enjoyable evening without the Patriots, a smug Joe Buck broadcast, shooting dirty looks to that sexist party-goer who criticizes Katie Sowers as the first woman coach in the big game, and of course the best part… the commercials

Super Bowl Commercial Bingo Printable

Special thanks to Desiree Duzich of Spoiled Beer Brat Media for graphic design on the 2020 Super Bowl Bingo Boards